FERROLOX – for the removal of arsenic, phosphates, copper and many others
Ferrolox reliably removes arsenic, phosphate, copper, chromium and selenium (IV & VI) out of the treated water. At this point iron oxide forms its basis. The water contains arsenic – and phosphate-Ions which are bound to the filter medium through adsorption at the first stage. Thereafter a chemical transformation into a stable iron-arsenate or phosphate takes place on the surface. Sulphide-Ions out of the hydrogen-sulphide are being bound similarily at this process. Additionally Ferrolox provides the advantage, that there is no controller, no elctricity and no backwash necessary for plants operated with this filter medium.
- Drinking water treatment
- Well / Fountain water treatment
- Surface water treatment
- Seawater treatment
- Waste water treatment
- Aquariums
- Effective absorption of arsenic, phosphate, copper, chromium and many more
- Based on iron hydroxide
- Operates in both upward and downward flow
- Effective absorption of arsenic, phosphate, copper, hydrogen sulphide and selenium (IV & VI)
- User friendly
- No backwash necessary
- Suitable for high flow rates